I came across the term “micros” in the sisterlocks community

8:25 AM

Lately I been pouring through many pictures in the sisterlocks community (blogs, forum, etc.), and I noticing the sizing for sisterlocks are ranging from very small (like mines) to very big (brotherlocks). Even when I happen to run into another individual that have sisterlocks, they always comment how small my locks are.

For individual that are doing their own research, my locks are indeed smaller than other, and I have come to accept it. This also may explain why my retightening is so much longer than others as well. If you have been following me, I talk about how long it takes to retighten my hair, and stated my consultant was slow. Well she is right on the mark with others with the retighten time (as far I can guess). She takes about 4-5 hours to do my hair, and that make sense with the amount of locks I have. From now on, I will start referring to my sisterlocks as micro sisterlocks. Will have to do an update on my retighten soon, since the time frame is getting shorter, as my hair continues to lock =).

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  1. Let me just tell you ,that your are extremely lucky. I have a little over 600 locks which is a lot and because to take5 to 6 hours at four weeks to reti my hair i am just not happy and considering number of things. My recent post on my blog is about this. I love my locs but this part of it is waring on me. What made you get sooo many locs? Or is that just what you came up with ? Because me myself i didnt even have a number in mind i was just like do your thang to the trainee that installed mine

  2. In the very beginning, the retighten time was much longer, about 5 - 6 hours. As my hair continues to lock, my retighten time just got shorter. Now it is down to 4 - 5 hours every 4 week. Now my consultant take s a lot of breaks, plus she wash my hair, so I figure if she was on my hair straight she would be done in four hours. I didn't come up with the high number where the locks were concern, I know I wanted small locks and I figure the time frame would be longer because of that decision. I’m someone who use to spent a lot of time sitting down and getting their hair done, so to me the time frame is not that bad , but to someone who is not use to it, it make become a burden. Since your consultant is a trainee, she may be slower and her speed will only pick up as she continues to grow in her field. Good luck! FYI…I heard some sisterlocks sister combine they locks, you may want to look into it if you don’t like your locks that small.


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Hair Status

Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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