Improvement: Growth of Frontal Side Hairs & Locking

12:36 PM

I'm starting to see improvement of the issues that I had last years. Like I explain to you guys late last year, I use to wear a lot of weaves and braids before I went natural. Due to that, I had a lot of breakage, and traction alopecia became apparent when hair wouldn't grow back. Some of the hair that I lost will never grow back, but the little that still had life is slowing coming back, and I'm very happy about that. Another issue I had was the back of my hair was refusing to lock and this was causing me to have unraveling locks which equal to longer time spent on the hair. Well for the most part my hair is finally locking up in the back of my hair which I notice is making my retighten time MUCH shorter.

Below are the comparison shots of my issues, and as you can see, things are changing for the better.

Successful Growth
Left Frontal Side
Successful Growth ( One area is still not growing, I'm still hopeful though)
Right Frontal Side
Successful Growth = Baby Locks
(Left Pictures) Right Frontal Side (Right Pictures) Left Frontal Side
Successful Locking = Happy Camper :D
(Left ) Older Pictures (Right ) Current Pictures
Hair is still soft but it more settle then the left picture.

Note: You can click on any of the images to enlarge. All image are copyright by me. Please ask for permission if you want to use any of my pictures.

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  1. some of my locks in the back and front row are becoming thinner...well to be honest it is mostly my fault. I tighten my own hair and sometimes I hook neighbor locks by mistake and have to snap hair off to undo the damage. What did you do to grow your hair again? Is it just filling up naturally?

  2. @Gerrylocs I hope what I'm doing is helping it grow and it not just my mind. I take Biotin & rub Regrow Massage Oil on my thinning hair area, and that seem to help with the re growth. The regrow massage oil is a mixture that contains Rosemary & Sage. You don't have to buy that product you can make your own just take a look at my post about what essential vs. carrier base oil are and you should be able to do your own mixture. I listed the product under my product tab if you want. As for your thinner hair, how long are you are in between retighten?

  3. Wow, congs on that. There is definitely a remarkable improvement and am happy for you.
    @Garrylocs, I feel you. I suffered the same problem and I did lose locks due to thinning. Now am very careful when tightening the front and back rows.

  4. Thanks! I really appreciate the comment. Hopefully when I do this improvement post again I will see even more result :D.

  5. Your comparison shots really show improvement. Chesaclocs had a issue with a thinning hair line due to relaxers and color treatments and she started using black castor oil in the affected area. Her hairline improved tremedously!

  6. @Naturally Thanks for the comment once again: D. I heard many good thing about Castor Oil for thinning hair as well. Whenever someone mentions what oils are good for thinning hair, I always put that as a recommendation.

  7. The growth improvement is very impressive. I am so happy for you!

  8. @Loc'Ability Thank you!!! It's comments like yours that keep me going :D.


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Blog Archive

Hair Status

Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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