How To Get The Cost Of Sisterlocks Down

10:44 AM

I did a disadvantage post about Sisterlocks two years ago, and I really think you should check it out before reading this post. Once you have read that post, you can then read this post about getting Sisterlocks installation at an affordable price.

1) Very Short Hair - If you have short hair, for example about 2-4 inches, you can get Sisterlocks very cheaply compare with someone who has 8-10 inches of hair. Installation time is greatly reduces, because the Sisterlocks Consultant takes less time installing the Sisterlocks pattern on 2-4 inches of hair vs. 8-10 inches.

If you have already decided to do the big chop or are letting your natural hair grow out (perm ladies), consider finding a GOOD consultant before your Sisterlocks reach the 2-4 inches length mark. Not only will you save time, but moneys as well.

2) Get A Trainee - A REGISTERED Sisterlocks trainee can install your locks at a discounts price, since they are trying to make a name for them self, as well as get certified. Trainees usually charge a whole lot less than the Certified Sisterlocks Consultant. The main reason for the cheaper cost is A) in order to be a certified, a consultant have to show proof of good & quality work from their own client to the main sisterlocks office. In order to get more clients, they usually will do sisterlocks installation much cheaper so they can show good faith to the new clients. Note: Be careful when choosing a trainee, and makes sure you visit the to choose one. I would checkout their work first (if they use to be a former braider etc.) before making the final decision.

3) The Bigger The Better - Brotherlocks are the biggest version of Sisterlocks you can get, and the most cost effective in the long run. They are cheaper to installed, and more cost friendly per month compare to my size. If you applied Step 1-3, your cost of Sisterlocks has been greatly reduce.

4) Location...Location...LOCATION - If you happen to be in a location, for example New York, that the cost of Sisterlocks installation may be higher compare to other location. It may be cheaper for you to drive somewhere else, where the cost is not as high. You can have your installation done out of town, and have your maintenance done in your city. I think this step is not as big of deal, if you follow Steps 1-3. Note: Your installation and maintenance should be done by one consultant for at least six month. They know your hair type and the cost is better for you in the long run.

5) Self Maintenance - After you had your Sisterlocks installed, and have past the stage where your locks are not unraveling or experience slippage (typically 6 month) then you should consider doing your own Sisterlocks maintenance to bring the cost down to $0.

Final Conclusion - This post talk about how to save on the cost of getting Sisterlocks. Sisterlocks should not be considering cheap and that is due to the amount of time and care it takes. With Step 1-3, you can get Sisterlocks install for about $300-$400 tops (thinks of the cost of getting micros installed). Maintenance will vary depending on location, but if you applied the above method, you shouldn't be paying no more then $60-$80 per month for maintenance.

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  1. Great post, I was thinking of writing something similar for my clients :)

    1. Thanks!!! This information need to be known :).


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Hair Status

Big Chop - January 24, 2009
Install - August 18-20 2009
Retighten Time - 4 - 4 1/2 hr
Total Locks - Over 750
Pattern - Double 3
Texture - 4 A/B (Thick & Coarse)

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